Turning Education Onto It's Butt (Innovation)

Innovation in education means allowing imagination to flourish and not be afraid to try new things. Sometimes these new things fail but it's awesome when they are a success.

On my philosophy of Education back in the 1980's, I said stuff like Be Creative, and Never Stop Growing as a Teacher.

Now "innovation" reeks of doing something new, but in reality, how has everything not already been tried before?

Others have called it the "pendulum swing". That implies everything old is new again. Who does not love Brand New this or that? Fresher, hotter, quicker, more effective.


I think I am going to scream! One article says, Oh I let the kids teach a segment of the class... Like, is that something new? Parents of course will become suspicious and say, why can't the teacher teach? And the kids can simplify things or become shy or be over doing it, boring everyone. Their synthesis of things is evident but the carrying it out seems not overly new. We are just, oh we are the teachers letting go of control....?!
Some do performance - based assessments!  This leads to PBL, project based learning. As a teacher's aide, I feel left out a lot when this happens. I am there sitting, then bopping in when a kid gets stuck, then super - teaching when a kid gets lost. Stepping up and stepping back, is good. 
